Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Durian & City Boys

The city boy hacking the durian to death trying to get to the flesh. The tantalising aroma taunting him to try with all his might to get to it. The king of fruit refuses to yield, protecting his flesh in thorny skins and stubborn fibres. Amazingly, the city boy did not get hurt.

Ahhh, the old auntie with her scrawny hands came to the rescue, city boy finally gets to enjoy the creamy, sweet, slightly bitter taste from the king of fruits. It was worth it. Each tree bear fruits with differing taste and texture. Definitely not like your RM10 per packet from the hypermarket.


Anonymous said...

Capt, dah tak de air liur nak dilelehkan lagi dah ni .... jom, we set a trip for "makan-makan durian"

Anonymous said...

Hi Apandi,

You might like to know that this 'urban girl'..he deft at getting them tantalisingly fleshy prize.

My late dad taught me. He used to say, pierce along the 'urat' (the seams)...hmm...had some today. I fear burping tomorrow...LOL (duh so unlady like..).

J.T. said...

Yummm... durians. Thinking of durian santan, durian cake, durian ice cream, (durian) dodol, durian shake.
I have to find an Asian store soon.. preferably one that sells frozen durians. Never mind if they don't come from freshly hacked durians. The sweet reward (once thawed out) is heavenly. :)

Apandi said...

Lan, jom...

Ruby, actually they taught me but I plead ignorance on how to do it - manja, let my aunties do the work and I take the pleasure. Burp - keep a straight face - look questioningly at the fattest/baldest guy in the group - make little tsk tsk sound...he he he

JT, yes, my mom in law's favourite mode is durian santan. Me, I just take them as it is. Frozen ones are good too, just like ice cream - smelly ones.

Pi Bani said...

City boy mana yang tak reti kupas durian ni? Mari kampung girl tolong kupaskan! (Though I must admit, some tu yang jenis kulit tebal memang susah nak kupas...)

Mak Su said...

kupas ler cam ner pun, asal dapat makan.... tentu rasanyer lemak manis, ek.

Apandi said...

PI, tu pasallah kalau I makan durian either my auntie or mak or sepupu mesti ada tolong kupaskan...

mak su, mmmmm memang lemak manis...

Anonymous said...

Dah kekenyangan dah dengan durian 101!! Baru jemakan dgn santan & pulut tadi.....

p/s I am using Vista now far so good

Apandi said...

Ni sure tengah sendawa gila. Vista seems more stable but there's still some glitches.

den said...

since my younger yrs incident kupas "liulian" dgn pisau (resulted kena 6 stiches)i'm more comfortable with screw driver since then, hahaha