Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Hanging on...

Had one of our regular MyStream old timers meet last night. Lasted till the wee hours of the morning. The theme seems to be hovering on the current economic doom and gloom. Everyone has a story to tell, factory cutting down operating hours, working days being drastically slashed, production being stopped, budgets being cut. There are even observation of desperate crimes being committed. Shoplifting of milk powder and snatch thieves working alone. Its bad.

The world is still in a downward spiral and have yet to reach bottom. Here we are entrenched in the system unable to survive on our own. With a sad fondness we looked at the lives back in the village where food is grown, hunted or gathered. Very slim chance of going hungry. Now, without the hypermarkets we'll be lost. What if our spending power is suddenly depleted ? What if our plastics is made worthless and the ATM's refused our patronage ? What then ? Pretty scary.

Then again even in times like these there are those who seemed unaffected. How affected could you be if you can manage to go test drive a Merc SL or two...


Fauzi said...

Go... go...for alternatives.. apa dia ek..?

Anonymous said...

Correction: bukan takat unaffected, siap make big bucks.
Ask those Class A contractors about 'pakej ransangan ekonomi'. Man.. apasal la aku keja kilang?..

Apandi said...

Tak taulah pozi...

Dee, sebabbbbb ko tak jadi kontraktor Class A...

Fauzi said...

Just received an email of bad news from CEO today. Pay cut 5% from this month onwards. Bloody hell.. Then rumours, no more Malaysia contract manufacturer, all goes to China.. Apsal la aku keje mfg industry gak Dee.. Sigh.. I am ready. Cepat la vss, then fly to UK dok senyap2 jadik cleaner for 2 years.. But those ruling and opposition in this beautiful country still fighting for power and keep playing political game. Stupid.. They should work hand in hand to overcome this bloody shit recession rather than acted pathetically. Errr, jom bersuka ria end of this month..

Apandi said...

OK, jom bersukaria...