Thursday, February 19, 2009

Moving on ?

It was late afternoon, I was at one of the rest areas that seems to be a prominent prop in my current routine. Half way to my destination on the other side of the country. My brother called, "Abah has been out from early this morning and has not been back, I've been looking for the past hour and not found him. What should I do ?"

The best I could offer was to wait and do another search along the route that he might have taken. Also to enquire at hospitals in the area and if all fails to go to the police. Abah is in his mid sixties, quite healthy and has been working all his life. He just quit a couple months ago. Goes everywhere on his bike and that is the worrying bit. Has a driving license but refused to drive a car. I felt a slight twinge of guilt as I recall giving him some money a few days ago. Perhaps it was that money that became the cause of this incident ? I prayed that all will be well and continued on my journey.

Later that evening I was informed that my sister is on her way to pick up Abah from Dengkil. Apparently, Abah got lost and was found by a native in one of the villages in the area. He was observed to have been circling the area a couple of times and when he fell off his bike, the native assisted and only then knew that he was lost. [MEN GENETICALLY DESIGNED NOT TO ASK FOR DIRECTIONS]. Luckily Abah has my sister's number in his wallet.

See, the thing is, Abah is from Cheras Baru, his intention was to go to Pudu to buy some stuff, yet he ended up in Dengkil which is way out either by direction or distance. According to him, he failed to remember the way. I suspect its his idleness that is causing his mind to behave as it did. Most importantly, I shudder at the thought that I might be looking at my future.


Azlan said...

Buy him a mobile phone, my dua sen ...

Apandi said...

He's got this phobia on all things electronic except the TV remote...