Observing life from Tampin Linggi to the high seas and back...till Wed. 15-09-2032 ?
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
My watch strap is broken as result of the impact of the accident this morning. The details is on my review site. What is planned as a review of the bike turns out to be something else. Sighhhh, the plans of mice and men...
So sorry to hear that news. Everything is fine now?
Syukur Alhamdulillah. anda tidak cedera teruk. Ini berhampiran Bangunan Marinara ke? Mereka tu takut jadi kes polis kot? Semua pengguna jalan raya perlu sentiasa berhati-hati, kerana walau satu pihak sahaja tidak berhati-hati, pihak yang berhati-hati pun akan mendapat bencananya.
Please respect intellectual property, if you want to use any of the pictures please cite accordingly. I don't "do" copyright stuff etc. but will sell or may even give away the original files, just ask nicely...
I have always been interested in photography as I feel that it captures a moment in time. I hope you enjoy them as mush as I do. Both in capturing the moment and presenting them to you here.
So sorry to hear that news. Everything is fine now?
Syukur Alhamdulillah. anda tidak cedera teruk. Ini berhampiran Bangunan Marinara ke? Mereka tu takut jadi kes polis kot? Semua pengguna jalan raya perlu sentiasa berhati-hati, kerana walau satu pihak sahaja tidak berhati-hati, pihak yang berhati-hati pun akan mendapat bencananya.
Hey, that's a good shot of your wrist watch. With the right tools, you can fix it at home. :)
that is most throughly broken! How's the wrist?
Thanks guys. The knee is swollen now. The wrist is fine but my thumb is sore.
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