Now why am I thinking of this, perhaps subsconciously my mind keeps trying to understand things that happen around me. I do believe that what Hannibal said is true, as such, especially to Doc and Mat Salo, I will not look at lenses and photographic accessories, not even the FTZ.
Now back to these dead bicycles, I am pretty certain that at least one of them use to belong to my dear departed grandfather. It was fun when he allowed me to accompany him. Sitting astride the broad rear carrier is painful but the journey was always sweet. He was a tower of strength and patience especially with me being the little devil that I am. There are days when I miss him, his presence actually, as he is a man of very few words. The sight of him sitting under the rambutan tree in front of the house, slowly puffing his cigarettes is enough to give me the strength and support I need. All I need to do was just go and sit quietly beside him. No need for words and all will be well. Al-Fatihah and may Allah bless him.
Only twice he got mad at me, so much so that he chased me with a cane. Once, when I nearly burned down the house on the pretext of gathering honey from the trunk of a durian tree and second when I practically destroyed the sieve he use to process latex when I use it to catch fighting fish in the paddy fields.
A lovely and very touching piece, Cap'n. I too was raised till primary sch by my late Grandfather in Lenggeng. You certainly struck a chord in me there.. and you have inspired me to write about my own Grandpa next!
You don't have to covet anything bro :D You can have what we don't 70-200VR for a start....or 200 f4 macro...
On a serious note, I like your blog Captain.
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