Friday, October 10, 2008

B & W

A first test shot...

An old bum goes into a coffee shop and asks for a cup of coffee."But I don't think you can pay for it," says the waitress. "You're right," says the bum. "I don't have any money, but if I show you something you've never seen before, will you get me some coffee?"

"Well, OK," says the waitress.So the guy pulls a hamster out of his pack and it starts to dance. It has incredible rhythm and can do awesome moves."One cup of joe, comin' up," says the waitress.The guy guzzles it down and asks for more.

"Money or another miracle, or else no joe," says the waitress.So the guy pulls a frog out of his pack. The frog starts to sing, and his voice is beautifully high. A guy rushes over and asks for the frog for $300. The bum gladly accepts.

"Are you insane?" asks the waitress. "You sold a singing frog for three hundred bucks? It's gotta be worth millions!""Not so," said the bum matter-of-factly. "The hamster is also a ventriloquist."


Anonymous said...

"first test shot", aha camera baru, wuhuuu ...

Anonymous said...

Dasat DOF ni..

Jamal said...


Mat Salo said...

Bro'... been traveling and am back on my ship.

Tahniah ler! Lemme guess.. Jason?

Put me at the front of the queue if you ever get tired of playing with this toy ok? :)

Apandi said...

Ni semua Doc dengan ko punya racunlah ni...

Jamal said...

Am looking for small good low lite performance camera..... hmmmmmmmmm.....