Tuesday, November 21, 2006

UPSR results is out !!!

Alhamdullillah, my daughter got 5A's. I am so glad for her. She worked hard and has to withstand the constant nagging from my wife. Yes, the wife deserves this as much as her. Without her tiresome efforts searching for and driving to and from tuitions, collecting and copying past papers, this would scarcely be possible.

Since she is the first out of a total of 7 kids in the house, a benchmark is thus set. I wish all the rest luck and may they attain the same achievements. For my daughter, this is only the first step. Many more to go through....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My daughter got 5A's too which I find miraculous since she didn't study much and never attend any kind of tuition. Though I nagged and nagged for her to study for her to prepare for her UPSR she seemed more interested in watching TV. Regardless, I didn't want her to feel over confident & reminded her maybe it was just luck that she got 5A's because I believe it's the effort that counts. Anyway, congrats to your girl.