Aaaaack, tengkiu tengkiu. With all the Vista/Blogger woes I am experiencing, will have to get access to an XP machine before I can accept this award and give the suitable reception speech bla bla bla.
Please respect intellectual property, if you want to use any of the pictures please cite accordingly. I don't "do" copyright stuff etc. but will sell or may even give away the original files, just ask nicely...
I have always been interested in photography as I feel that it captures a moment in time. I hope you enjoy them as mush as I do. Both in capturing the moment and presenting them to you here.
Saudara Tampin dari Linggi yang gomari Masak Lomak Cili Api Podeh,
Anda telah memenangi “Thinking Blogger Award”. Harap ambil blog-sticker anda serta “list of rules” yang tertera di blog saya!’ Harap Maklum!
Aaaaack, tengkiu tengkiu. With all the Vista/Blogger woes I am experiencing, will have to get access to an XP machine before I can accept this award and give the suitable reception speech bla bla bla.
Thanks, I thought you are at sea already ?
Wah...itu Aedes albopictus tu.... :D BTW...pak den nampak macam nak muntah je...ha ha ha
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